十字軍之王3修建屬性怎么修改?游戲中普通修建或是非凡修建屬性是可以本身添加和修改的,關于詳細操縱,這里給各人整理了王國風云3修建屬性添加要領,一起來看下吧。 王國風云3修建屬性添加要領先教各人非凡修建的修改,首先下載notepnd用這個編輯文本,然后從游戲目次找到00_special_buildings文件打開,這里都是非凡修建以英格蘭倫敦塔為例找到那數(shù)據(jù)改就行了。 ########## # The Tower of London ########## the_tower_of_london_01 = { asset = { type = pdxmesh name = "building_special_tower_of_london_mesh" } construction_time = very_slow_construction_time type_icon = "icon_structure_tower_of_london.dds" can_construct_potential = { building_requirement_tribal = no } can_construct = { scope:holder.culture = { has_innovation = innovation_battlements } } cost_gold = 1000 character_modifier = { men_at_arms_cap = 12 #軍團數(shù)量,這是重點 men_at_arms_limit = 22 #軍團人數(shù)局限,這是重點 monthly_county_control_change_factor = 0.5 #節(jié)制力增長百分比 dread_gain_mult = 0.5 #君主可怕值 powerful_vassal_opinion = 50 #強力諸侯對君主好感 clergy_opinion = 50 #神職人員對君主好感 same_faith_opinion = 20 #溝通信仰對君主好感 monthly_piety = 5 #每月虔誠點數(shù) monthly_prestige = 5 #每月加威望點數(shù) monthly_dynasty_prestige = 5 #每月加宗族威望 stewardship = 20 #君主打點 martial = 20 #君主軍事 learning = 20 #君主進修 knight_limit = 10 #騎士數(shù)量 knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.5 #騎士戰(zhàn)斗力百分比 archers_damage_add = 20 #弓箭手進攻力 archers_toughness_add = 20 #弓箭手防止 skirmishers_damage_add = 20 #散兵 skirmishers_pursuit_add = 20 skirmishers_toughness_add = 20 pikemen_toughness_add = 30 #捍衛(wèi) pikemen_damage_add = 30 heavy_infantry_toughness_add = 20 #重步兵 heavy_infantry_damage_add = 20 light_cavalry_damage_add = 20 #輕騎兵進攻 light_cavalry_toughness_add = 20 #輕騎兵防止 light_cavalry_pursuit_add = 20 #輕騎兵追擊 heavy_cavalry_toughness_add = 50 #重騎兵 heavy_cavalry_damage_add = 50 army_maintenance_mult = -0.5 #部隊維護費 } garrison = 20000 #捍衛(wèi)隊伍數(shù)量 levy = 20000 #征召兵數(shù)量,這是重點 province_modifier = {#地址的男爵領加成 monthly_income = 100 #加款子,這是重點 levy_size = 0.5 #征召兵增加百分比 levy_reinforcement_rate = 0.5 #征召兵增援速度 defender_advantage = 20 #防止優(yōu)勢 fort_level = 20 #要塞品級 } county_modifier = {#地址伯爵領的加成 supply_limit = 20000 #補給人數(shù) development_growth = 0.5 #成長度增長點數(shù) development_growth_factor = 0.5 ##成長度增長百分比 tax_mult = 0.5 #稅收增加百分比 build_speed = -5 #修建時間 } ai_value = { base = 100 } type = special } 好了看到這里各人應該城市改非凡修建加成了,可是這個非凡修建不是誰家都能有的,所以再教各人添加修建,就是在這個文件內(nèi)里加上這個就行了。 ########## # Walls #名字隨便起,我是以羅馬的城墻為模板的,就是Aurelian Walls ########## walls = {#名字隨便起 construction_time = very_slow_construction_time type_icon = "icon_structure_aurelian_walls.dds" can_construct_potential = { barony = title:b_london #這個是這個修建在那邊能制作,我改成了在男爵領倫敦制作,只要頭銜對了你想在哪培育能在哪造。 building_requirement_tribal = no } cost_gold = 3000 garrison = 2000 #捍衛(wèi)隊伍數(shù)量 duchy_capital_county_modifier = { levy_size = 0.5 #征召兵增加百分比 tax_mult = 0.15 #稅收 } county_modifier = { development_growth = 0.2 development_growth_factor = 0.1 hostile_raid_time = 0.5 } province_modifier = { fort_level = 10 garrison_size = 0.5 #捍衛(wèi)隊伍增加百分比 } ai_value = { base = 0 } type = duchy_capital #公國省會的男爵領 } 十字軍之王3,十字軍之王http://m.afofamily.com/news/youxigonglue/32962.html (責任編輯:admin) ![]() |